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Coplay police

Coplay police responded to these and other calls recently.

AUG. 9

A disturbance in the 100 block of North Front Street brought out police.

Officers responded to a report of a possible house fire on Saylor Drive.

Police investigated a suspicious person in the 100 block of North Second Street.

A report of fraud in the 100 block of South Front Street was investigated.

AUG. 10

A motor vehicle accident in the unit block of North Front Street brought police to the scene.

Officers responded to a reported reckless driver in the area of North Ruch and Chestnut streets.

Suspicious activity in the unit block of North Second Street was reported.

The department conducted a security check in the unit block of North Fourth Street.

Police assisted a citizen in the 800 block of Chestnut Street.

AUG. 11

A report of criminal mischief, spray painting under the Coplay-Northampton Bridge, was investigated.

A disturbance in the 200 block of Chestnut Street brought police to the scene.

Officers assisted Bethlehem police with a reported runaway in the unit block of South Front Street.

Suspicious activity in the unit block of North Fourth Street was reported.

AUG. 12

A fire alarm brought police to the unit block of North Front Street.

AUG. 13

Police investigated a report of identity theft in the 800 block of Chestnut Street.

Officers responded to a fire alarm in the 1000 block of Chestnut Street.

A suspicious vehicle in the 100 block of North Eighth Street was reported.

The department assisted Bethlehem police with a report of a reckless driver in the area of South Second Street.

AUG. 14

Officers addressed parking complaints on Center and South Second streets.

A security check was conducted in the 100 block of North Sixth Street.

AUG. 15

Police were on the scene of a disturbance in the 200 block of South Sixth Street.

A report of a missing adult in the unit block of North Sixth Street was investigated. He was located later in the day.

AUG. 16

A hit and run in the 1100 block of Chestnut Street was investigated.

Officers responded to a report of harassment in the unit block of North Third Street.

The department assisted with a vehicle repossession in the 800 block of Catherine Drive.

AUG. 17

Police investigated a report of harassment by communication in the 100 block of North Ruch Street.

A suspicious male in the 200 block of South Fourth Street was reported.

Officers assisted with a child custody issue in the 100 block of North Seventh Street.

Police assisted a citizen in the 200 block of South Fourth Street.

AUG. 18

The department responded to a report of a missing juvenile in the unit block of North Front Street. The child was located.

A disturbance between females in the unit block of North Front Street brought police to the scene.

Officers investigated a drug complaint in the unit block of South Third Street.

A juvenile matter in the unit block of South Seventh Street was handled by police.

Officers responded to a report of a sick fox running in the 100 block of Lehigh Street.

The department responded to a fire alarm in the unit block of North Front Street.

Police assisted a citizen in the unit block of South Seventh Street.