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Halloween parade canceled

Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez has announced the cancellation of the city’s Halloween parade. The parade was to be held Oct. 25, and would have been the 99th annual Halloween poarade in the city.

Unfortunately, the thousands of people it draws annually would not make it possible to create the social distancing needed to keep people safe. “The Halloween parade is another seasonal tradition that Bethlehem embraces. While we are disappointed, we believe it is the right decision for 2020 and look forward to it returning in 2021,” said Donchez.

Donchez did confirm Trick or Treat will take place as scheduled in Bethlehem on Friday, Oct. 30, from 6-8 p.m. Residents who plan to take part are asked to wear masks if they are not already a part of their costume, and practice social distancing when participating in the event.

This plan is not setr in stone, Health Director Kristen Wenrich said, and further safety tips will be forthcoming in October.