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Union UCC pastor receives youth certificate from seminary

Associate Pastor Kayli Freeman of Union United Church of Christ, Neffs, recently received a certificate in Youth and Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary.

The program began with an in-person visit to the campus, then continued through online study.

Freeman said the work was supposed to culminate with a campus visit but that was canceled due to the pandemic.

Throughout the year of study, Freeman attended youth forums, took online classes, worked with a coach and prepared for implementation of her project - a new curriculum for confirmation class.

Freeman explained she upgraded the confirmation class program “to put the faith journey into the youth’s own hands.”

Instead of just accepting teachings from adults along the way, students are encouraged “to create ownership” through their own studies in the new approach.

“We want them to form theological thoughts in their heads and stand firm in what their faith is, as opposed to others,” Freeman said.

She noted the curriculum uses the Bible in a practical way to apply it to the lives of youth in the 21st century.

Freeman uses the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible in the class time.

“[Confirmation activities] are all tied together to show how faith impacts not only the individual on a daily basis but also the world,” Freeman explained.

In May, 12 young people were confirmed in a virtual setting at Union UCC. Each had a “God Guide” from the congregation which served as a mentor to the confirmand.

Most youth in the confirmation class are in eighth grade. A new class will begin in September.

Freeman said she is wondering how confirmation class will change for the new term.

“It could have a much more online presence than in the past,” the pastor said.

Associate Pastor Kayli Freeman