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At Large Bethlehem, Lehigh County, and Fountain Hill (Vote for not more than Three - 4 Year Term)

Democrat - Lisa McHale

Democrat - Karen Beck Pooley

“I would strongly oppose completely eliminating the property as a primary vehicle for local school funding. That source currently covers roughly three-quarters of BASD’s budget, which means three-quarters of our schools’ funding comes from a stable, predictable source under our community’s local control. Alternative funding sources so far proposed to replace real estate taxes are far more volatile and would take too much of the decision-making power over the size of the district’s budget away from local taxpayers.”

Democrat - Dean Donaher

“Until the Pennsylvania legislature decides to change the way public schools are funded we continue to rely on property taxes as the major local support for public schools. As a school director I support a fair, stable, secure funding stream for our public schools. If the Pennsylvania state legislature can develop a fair, stable, secure funding stream for public schools I am ready, willing and able to support it.”

Democrat - Emily Schenkel

Republican - Lisa McHale

Region 2 Bethlehem 11th & 12th Wards and 13th Ward 2nd - 8th Districts (Vote for One - 4 Year Term)

Democrat/Republican - Craig Neiman

“I believe the legislators should focus on implementing the fair funding formula and charter school funding reform before tackling property tax reform. If the fair funding formula is fully implemented as designed and charter school funding inequalities are addressed many of the pressures that lead to property tax increases will have been mitigated. I also believe the current property tax reform plan that removes commercial properties places an unmanageable burden on individual taxpayers.”

Region 3 (Vote for One - 4 Year Term)

Democrat/ Republican - Silagh White

Democrat/ Republican - Kim Shively

Democrat/ Republican - Kyle T. Miceli