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183rd Legislative District

Republicans Zach Mako, the incumbent, and Cindy Miller are each seeking a win in the May 15 General Primary to represent the 183rd Legislative District.

Whomever receives the most votes in the primary will face Democrat Jason Ruff in the November General Election.

The Press asked the candidates the following question:

Why did you decide to run for office in the 183rd Legislative District?

Zach Mako

I am seeking re-election to the House of Representatives because I believe we have made some progress protecting taxpayers, but we still have a lot of work to do.

The last 16 months have been very rewarding for me to be able to help my neighbors and represent them in Harrisburg. We stood up to the liberal politicians and special interests who attempted to raise our taxes and increase spending.

I truly believe in service to our country and to my community and I want to continue standing up for those who can’t and defending our liberties and freedom.

Cindy Miller

Reforms are necessary to improve issues such as property tax, corporate tax, health care, education, budget and pensions. I believe Harrisburg needs fresh ideas with a common-sense approach, along with outside-the-box thinkers and individuals who communicate with those they represent.

As a state representative, I can help by giving back to my community through public service. I volunteered on our local planning commission over the past 15 years, and I presently serve as an elected township supervisor for my seventh year.

During my first year in office, I noticed a need for budget reform. I closely evaluated each and every line item in the budget to reduce spending.

Jason Ruff

There are consequences when we let party politics control government, and in the end it is always the hardworking citizens who suffer.

The people of the 183rd district deserve a strong, experienced and passionate leader committed to asking tough questions, listening, and fighting in Harrisburg for the resources and smart solutions that improve our district for everyone. I want to be part of the shake-up that brings about the much needed change that moves Pennsylvania forward.

Zach Mako Copyright - &Copy;2017 Gary Greim