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Respectfully Yours: A new column

Editor’s Note: Respectfully Yours is a new column on etiquette that will appear in the Focus section of Lehigh Valley Press.

Dear Reader, You might be wondering why I’m here talking about a seemingly outdated topic: etiquette.

However, etiquette has not gone out of fashion even though today it might seem that the word etiquette has lost its power. This is far from the truth. In fact, the concept of etiquette is more relevant than ever. In these times when interpersonal relationship skills have been substituted for technology and the hustle and bustle of hurrying through our routines, we need be reminded that personal relationships still matter. This column will provide readers with the tools they need to improve and build relationships.

Most everyone understands that relationships with people should come first. Yet we sometimes forget the simplicity of what this means. And, indeed, it is actually quite simple: Remember to use good manners and show respect to others in our daily lives. This column will address issues that all of us confront every day. We are all in the “people business.” We all interact with people on a daily basis. My goal is to help others respectfully connect and forge relationships. It is a sad fact that we are slowly losing sight of how to interact and maintain relationships. Etiquette is not only about using the correct fork or saying, “Thank you.” There is so much more to it. Etiquette is about making others feel comfortable. Please join me each week as we respond to your questions on everything from wedding etiquette, holiday entertaining, proper introductions, interviewing, dating, and much more. Whether you call it good manners, etiquette, or civility, the principle is the same. Agree to disagree, make someone’s day better, and remember the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated. Don’t miss the opportunity for positive personal interactions. It’s contagious. My goal is to share quality time together and provide timely advice to help readers gain the confidence they need so as to never feel awkward or uncomfortable. I am grateful for this platform and invite you to join me on this exciting journey. I look forward to your questions and our weekly visits here in the Focus section of Lehigh Valley Press.

Respectfully yours, Jacquelyn Youst

Jacquelyn Youst is owner of Jacquelyn Youst Etiquette Consulting, specializing in protocol training. She works with the National Civility Foundation. Have a question? Email: jacquelyn@ptd.net All Rights Reserved &Copy; 2017Jacquelyn Youst