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LC COMMISSIONERS - Contracts approved for 911 plan, center

The Lehigh County Board of Commissioners approved two contracts at its May 10 meeting with Essential Management Solutions, LLC to provide 911 regionalization consolidation management services.

Rich Molchany, county director of general services, explained the contracts to the board.

According to Molchany, the first contract will provide construction management for a consolidated 911 communications center and regionalized equipment plan.

Molchany said Lehigh County is different than Bethlehem City and Northampton.

“Lehigh County has a responsibility to more than just the Allentown consolidation,” Molchany said.

The goal, Molchany said, “is to have an effective communications center.”

The second contract involves combining four different policies for the dispatch center, which Molchany noted, will represent the entire Lehigh County.

The work is 100 percent funded by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.

Commissioner Brad Osborne thanked Molchany for his work.

“These fully reimbursable projects are the result of Rich working with PEMA,” Osborne said.

Essential Management Solutions in the past represented the county well, Molchany told the commissioners.

“We’re working with PEMA so we can have a good plan,” Molchany said.

The goal is to have an effective plan by June 19, 2020.