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District mission statement revisited

At the May 14 Saucon Valley School Board meeting, members reviewed mission statement choices as a part of the district’s evolving comprehensive plan.

A subcommittee met recently to provide an expanded mission statement to go along with the one-line mission statement in the plan. The subcommittee came up with three options for the board to discuss.

They are as follows: 1. The Saucon Valley School District, in partnership with the community, will empower growth, inspire creativity, and embrace diversity through rich learning experiences for every student every day. These experiences take place both locally and globally so that our students are lifelong learners who are contributing citizens to our Nation and the World. Within its available ways and means, the District provides the proper environment to promote an engaging and challenging educational experience.

2. The Saucon Valley School District, in partnership with the community, will empower growth, inspire creativity, and embrace diversity through an engaging and challenging educational experience, locally and globally for every student within its available means and ways.

3. The Saucon Valley School District, in partnership with the community, will empower growth, inspire creativity, and embrace diversity through an engaging and challenging educational experience, locally and globally for every student.

Board member Shamim Pakzad liked Option 1, with emphasis on the line “embrace diversity through rich learning experiences for every student every day.” Board members Michael Karabin and Bryan Eichfeld liked Option 1. Eichfeld said he liked the “lifelong learners” quote in Option 1. Board President Susan Baxter said she was okay with either Option 1 or 2.

Board member Sandra Miller, who participated in the sub-committee, said they looked at goals of a mission statement and thought Option 1 is too long. She said she believed Options 2 and 3 were more appropriate because they are more concise and impactful ,while keeping the “spirit and components” of option 1. Miller did mention Option 2 could be adjusted to include “every student every day” as Pakzad wanted included. Pakzad was ok aywith that concession, but didn’t agree with the need to shorten the statement, because it’s a stand-alone statement that doesn’t show up on letterhead.

Superintendent Craig Butler offered a compromise and suggested going with Option 2, with the adjustment to include “lifelong learners” and “every student, every day” lines. The subcommittee will meet again to make the adjustments to the wording before a vote is taken.

press photos by mark kirlinSaucon Valley Student Representative Ferris Abu-Ghosh provides the board with an update on current student activities. Ferris gives a brief summary during each school board meeting.